Cole Distributing, Inc. uses the finest #2 fuel with 5% pure virgin soybean oil treated with high performance additive to bring you the finest fuel money can buy. Our fuel will not only give you better mileage and power (3-5%) it will also burn cleaner and keep your equipment running longer. We have added stabilizers, rust and corrosion inhibitors, detergents and lubricity additives to give you a fuel that will protect the investment you made in your equipment.
* 5% Pure Virgin Soy Biodiesel
* More Lubricity to help your pumps & injectors
* Higher Cetane - Up to 52 points
* More Detergency - Cleaner fuel system
* Stabilized - Treated to last 2 years in your tank
* Higher BTU content - More power
* Winterized to flow at -50°F
Click here to view our Premium Select Diesel Informational Flyer